Cyberspace is exciting partly because it offers new forms of expression
and widens our ability to reach each other devoid of an intermediary.
The shame with these city ideas is that they could wind up silencing
sections of the "old" media, forcing a round of consolidation in the
newspaper industry as the cost of these new ventures forces weaker
players to seek financial salvation. It's doubly upsetting if these
city metaphors turn out to be unappealing, destined to be categorized as
yet another high-tech boondoggle with a nasty side-effect. In the
United States where freedom of the press was explicitly established as a
bulwark of democracy it's a bitter irony that the Net, a medium
celebrated as a means of supporting the free-flow of ideas, may
contribute to the contraction of ideas offline.
A list of interesting city-based Web sites:
The Boston Globe, with their Boston city-guide:
Citysearch, acquired by AT&T, and their guide:
The Dallas Morning News and its publisher have many cities:
An interesting, AT&T affiliated, guide to Minneapolis:
Future home of AOL's Digital Cities, Inc.:
The Sacramento Bee newspaper does Sacramento, California:
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