RE: Let's play a board game

Joe Barrera (
Tue, 2 Sep 1997 20:08:29 -0700

So when you sent this message, you reminded me of the board game
AntiMonopoly, which I actually had when I was a kid. (Obviously it
didn't make much of an impact, I hear you say :-) It disappeared from
the stores soon after Parker Brothers sued. (Of course someone threw my
copy away after I left for college...)

So I just did a web search and found --
check it out.

"In Anti-Monopoly, players play either by monopoly or competition rules
fixed at the beginning of the game. Competitors charge fair rents, build
as soon as they own a property, put five houses on their properties and
occasionally go to Price War. Monopolists extort monopoly-high rents
from their poor tenants, build only after they have monopolized a color
grouping, restrict supply by putting only four houses on their
properties and occasionally go to Prison. The good guys are the small
business entrepreneurs and the bad guys are the monopolists. Since
players do not play by the same rules, fairness is achieved by a
patented technique of equalizing the win probabilities, a technique made
possible only by the computer age."


"In the law suit, ANTI-MONOPOLY was almost brought to its knees. One
federal lower court judge ruled against us twice and banned us from the
market for six years. Once, by court permission, MONOPOLY had 40,000
ANTI-MONOPOLY games buried in a Minnesota landfill. But we did not cave
in. We eventually won two appellate court decisions and finally beat
MONOPOLY at the U.S. Supreme Court level."

- Joe

Joseph S. Barrera III <>
Phone, Office: (415) 778-8227; Cellular: (415) 601-3719; Home: (415)
The opinions expressed in this message are my own personal views and do
not reflect the official views of Microsoft Corporation.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Kohn []
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 1997 3:16 PM
To: Fork; Alice O'Dell;
Subject: Let's play a board game InfoBeat's Internet Daily reports that:

> Microsoft building Net-based real estate
> An executive of Microsoft Monday said his company is exploring
> Web-based real estate site similar to its online travel agency
> car shopping ventures. However, "We're not looking to become a
> Realtor," product manager Larry Cohen said, according to a
> report. He did confirm the project, code-named Boardwalk,
> focus on residential real estate and would probably involve
> partnering with mortgage lenders or real estate brokers. Cohen
> said 60 to 80 percent of homes for sale are already listed on
> Net, Reuters reported.
> [* What game is Boardwalk most associated with? - dan *]