Spice gurls Lunch Boxes..Now worth diddleysquat..in 15 years..a possible
Dig this..years ago I had a Dukes of Hazrd lunch box. I was a NYC boy with
a hankering for a piece of Diasy Dukes shorts. So the box disappers. Years
rool by (insert movie time distortion wave filter ) and my DOH box is now
worth 30 bucks. It is currently the home to my remianing Magic (the
gathering of your money) cards, which were worth paper in 1994 when I got
them but are now worth about 400 dollars as of last weeks MTG MArket
So you se, even a few years can turn gomi into gold.
(need i point out the current craze for old computer equipment or the
arcade game craze..both of which i am dealing with by going Emulator
Crazy(if it can be emued I got it) I hope JC's book mentions whats been
happening with these progs, its amazing, and the folks working on and
making a tribe out of them are once again redefining what community means
(to me at least)--Speaking of JC..if anyone should hear from her, tell
her tomwhore says hi.)
Emu Sites(arcade flavored)
-Today is tomorrows yesterdays
-at a steep makup.