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>Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 11:11:01 -0400 (EDT)
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>To: Rlavelle7@aol.com
> 2
> E=MC The equation for the atom bomb. It says that matter and energy are
> same thing. So then what is that? Matter, look at a brick. Its in a three
> form. Its made of electrons, protons and neutrons (atoms) and they are
moving so
> the brick is moving. Energy,sunlight. Its in a three dimensional form. It
comes to us
> from the sun therefore it is moving. 3D and moving Both matter and energy
are 3D
> and moving. I outproduce Einstein. We already know all matter has
gravity. The
> bending of light shows that energy has gravity also. So matter and energy
> 3D moving with gravity. The universe is made of matter, energy, time and
> That just stated is the matter and energy part. Time and space. Take
> in the universe and stop it. Does time progress? No. Therefore time is
the motion
> and the understanding of all the motion is the understanding of all of time.
> Space, it ends. Space does not go on forever. Space is in a three
> form. It moves but does not have gravity. Space moves like this. O /\
+ \/ O
> And that is the understsanding of all of time.
> O This is what was first in the beginning.
> /\ This is the old kings and queens.
> + This is democracy.
> \/ This is socialism.
> O This is when the Lord Jesue Christ returns.
> And that is the understanding of the universe. Glory be to the Father the
> and the Holy Ghost. Revelation chapter 10 & 11; 15 - 19. It is very
> the people receive this information. You may tell someone about this.
> Thank
> Robert
"Peace is not the absence of conflict; it is the presence of justice."
- Harrison Ford's character (President James Marshall) in "Air Force One"