Let's Switch Jihads [RE: Time Mag enters the Jihad]

Joe Barrera (joebar@MICROSOFT.com)
Sun, 3 May 1998 10:12:42 -0700

Hi Summer,

I found your web page
http://bigsun.wbs.net/homepages/f/o/r/fordssuck.html and I thought you could
help us out. We have a little mailing list here of friends, and one of the
members actually likes Fords. Actually, it's worse than that. He owns a
Cobra. In fact, his email alias is "CobraBoy" (see the cc line). Isn't that
kind of pathetic? At any rate, I thought maybe you could try sending him
some email explaining exactly why Fords SUCK so bad, and why Toyotas rule.
Your web pages speak for themselves, of course, but Tim (that's his real
name) has had this Ford problem for years and I think he needs all the help
he can get. Coincidentally, he also lives in the Irvine area, so if
threatening phone messages are required, they'll probably be local calls.

Thanks so much for any help you can provide,

- Joe

Joseph S. Barrera III <joebar@acm.org>
Phone, Office: (415) 778-8227; Cellular: (415) 601-3719; Home: (650)
Microsoft Research (BARC), 301 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-6605
The opinions expressed in this message are my own personal views and do not
reflect the official views of Microsoft Corporation.