INFOWAR. information.macht.krieg
Linz, Austria, september 07 - 12
<http://www.aec.at/infowar> http://www.aec.at/infowar
Hello and welcome to the
INFOWAR Net-Symposium which will start on April 15 1998.
An in-depth discussion of the festival theme on the Internet as an
additional feature of the program leading up to the Ars Electronica
Symposium in Linz took place for the first time in 1996. The 1996
netsymposia "Memesis" as well as the 1997 "FleshFactor" online discussion
served not only as a highly stimulating environment encouraging an exchange
of ideas, but also as an opportunity to prepare conceptual approaches and to
define views more sharply.
In accordance with the multilayered nature of this year's topic INFOWAR, we
are planning to take another step forward and break out of the linear form
of the discussion forum. Thus, in contrast to prior netsymposia, three
experts have been invited to serve as moderators and to facilitate the
discussion of the topic's key issues:
The moderators are media theoretician Dr. Friedrich A. Kittler from Berlin,
the Dutch media activist and theorist Geert Lovink and Austrian armament
researcher Dr. Georg Schoefbaenker.
Furthermore, in order to provide participants with in-depth background
infor-mation in preparation for the symposia, a comprehensive collection of
material is being assembled and being made available on the Web.
For more detailed informations please check
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