The definitive XML series.

I Find Karma (
Thu, 9 Apr 1998 19:14:51 -0700

The Graphics Communications Association assured me two weeks ago
that the definitive XML series would be available in May. So,
to whet your appetite for the four books I list them here in case
you want to place an advance order with Amazon. :)

All four books are from the Charles F. Goldfarb series. That guy
sure does give lawyers a good name.

1. The XML Handbook, by Charles F. Goldfarb and Paul Prescod.

2. Structuring XML Documents, by David Megginson.

3. XML by Example: A Webmaster's Guide, by Sean McGrath.

and look, our buddy Matt Fuchs is writing an XML book too. (Is anyone
*NOT* writing an XML book right now? :)

4. Designing Xml Internet Applications, by Michael Leventhal, David Lewis,
and Matthew Fuchs.

I scoured the GCA web page for more information about the series

but right now they're seemingly under radio silence about the matter.
Presumably the next issue of The XML Files

will have more information about the definitive XML series.


Do you realize there are only 5 degrees of separation (in web space)
between the Macarena lyrics and this XML/HTML paper?
-- Dan Connolly