Thanks to Gregs previous post re:cider, I decided to try my hand at
it. Up till now, I had only brewed beer (pretty darn good beer, too)
and had never tried to do cider. I used:
5 gal Trader Joes cider
3 lbs orange blossom honey
Boiled 1/2 hour
pitched champagne yeast
Fermented 1 month
kegged & forced carbonated
What I wound up with is a clear, slightly yellow drink, no head
retention *at all*, verrrrry high in alcohol (estimating 10-12%), dry,
a bit citrus-y. So far, everyone who has tried it has gotten verrry
drunk, really enjoyed the taste, and recommended that I start selling
it. Very good stuff. Greg, thanks for the suggestion. If you're ever
in Boston, there's a keg waiting.
-- Jay Thomas (w)617-576-4832 ICQ:5270335 Network Manager (b)617-546-2444 AIM:jpthomas68 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I think so, Brain, but how will we get a pair of Abe Vigoda's pants?