Re: It's official: Boeing picks Windy City

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From: Wayne E Baisley (
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 08:24:02 PDT

And, not forgetting my prediction that the flyboyz/flygurlz would land
even closer to my house, Crain's also reports that the new HQ at 100 N.
Riverside Plaza, former home of Morton Int'l. (you remember them -- when
it rains, it pours, just don't freeze our o-rings), could be less than
permanent, since McBoeingBoeing would like to have ready access to a
general aviation field for their corporate fleet.

  Other sources, however, reported that Boeing continues to
  ask about space adjoining the DuPage County Airport in
  West Chicago羊aising the possibility that the company
  would stay downtown for awhile, then move some or all
  operations west.

If Rohit hurries, he could make the celebration dinner tonight at


There's no sensation to compare with this
Suspended animation, A state of bliss
Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies
Tongue-tied and twisted, just an earth-bound misfit, I

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