ooze orgy

From: Joseph S Barrera III (joe@barrera.org)
Date: Thu Apr 19 2001 - 18:58:07 PDT

Would you believe that the phrase "ooze orgy" doesn't appear anywhere
on the web, according to google and a bunch of other search engines?

I vaguely remember someone describing Holst's _The Planets_ (or perhaps
just the Jupiter movement) as a giant "ooze orgy". I of course relayed
this to my (future) wife in (high school? undergrad?) when she was to
play bassoon in a concert that included _The Planets_. And she, of
course, still remembers my doing so.

I didn't even get any porn hits. Hmm. What's German for "ooze"? :->

- Joe

Joseph S. Barrera III
Software Architect, Broadbase (=> Kana) Software, Inc.
1.650.219-4557 (cell) / 1.650.588-4801 (home)
joe@barrera.org / joebar@broadbase.com / napier@waste.org
www.barrera.org / www.broadbase.com / www.waste.org


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