Re: Nightmare on Elm Street with Win2k Professional

From: Eirikur Hallgrimsson (
Date: Thu Mar 29 2001 - 21:15:56 PST

[ Extreme shell geekery. Not of any other interest. ]

I use cp -rauvx as my fallback, but this won't copy hidden files and I've
not figured out a way to get cp to do that.

I prefer to use cpbk, "backup copy" which can be found on Freshmeat.

A really cute hack that I learned from a colleague on this Tru-64 adventure
is to run two copies of tar piped. This preserves all the file attributes,
dates, etc, and offers all the features of tar. I turned it into a utility
shell script thusly:

# tar $1, pipe to tar and unpack in destination $2
tar -c $1 | tar -C $2 -xvf -

If you put that into a file, and make a command alias for it, you get a
command that takes two directories as arguments and copies the first one (and
its entire tree) into the second one.

tarcopy /sourcedir /destdir

That results in a /destdir/sourcedir that is a the best facsimile of the
original that I know how to get.


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