> so you want to regulate the LEGAL SYSTEM instead?
There's a huge difference. Tort reform would only require laws on the book ---
the legal system would then be its own regulatory body. No need for some huge
third-party bureaucracy to oversee the process.
> the rubber of your ideal will never meet the reality of the road here, my
> good man. next?
What the hell is the matter with you, Geege? Why in the world are you such an
apologist for the status quo? Let's see if I understand your position
* tort reform is unnecessary, and a bad thing
* our existing tax system is appropriate and good
* regulation is a good thing as-is, and well-executed
* bureaucracies as-is are
* right-sized
* efficient
* effective
* optimally expensive
* gov't from afar is good and more appropriate than local gov't
* we all need to be protected from ourselves
* paternal government is benign and appropriate
* everyone's interests are currently represented fairly
* all evil in the world adheres to rich corps and individuals
* anyone who disagrees must favor fascism / dictatorship
Is that about right? You're one wacky chick, Geege.
Love ya, babesy.
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