Re: web logging proxy?

From: Håkon Wium Lie (
Date: Fri Mar 09 2001 - 13:16:29 PST

Also sprach Eugene Leitl:

> I'm really getting ticked off about the state of the art in computer
> software. Nutscrape has a creeping memory leak and doesn't remember the
> webtrail, so I manually, laborously moved the hundred locations (I took
> about 3 days to research) stored in Netscape to Opera, which promptly
> freezes up after a while. (Well, it's a beta, but I need a lightweight

Promptly after a while? Immediately, but not right now?

> browser that works). So I have to kill it, and of course dumb Oprah
> doesn't store the uris ini a persistant dbase. Meaning, software crashee,
> you loseee.

Your bug report doesn't help me much. What are you trying to do?

              Håkon Wium Lie ¢tº €þe®ª

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