Some Comments on the RFCs

Rohit Khare (khare)
Thu, 16 Feb 1995 10:36:12 -0800

These are some comments that arrived in my mailbox yesterday:

! ! RFC#1:
! ! When opening a file, add the types ".html3" and ".htmld" to the
! ! open-panel. When you get a request to open a .htmld, tack on an
! ! "index.html". Icons for both of these have been chosen by the list and
! ! are available from the archive. [html3 will be the html icon with
! ! a Next futura font "3" in the upper right, or ITC Typewriter]
! !


! What is ".html3"? I haven't seen any reference to that before.
! Is a special extension needed for HTML 3.0 compliant documents?


Good point. Does anyone out there know for sure how future deployment of html3
source will go out on the net? For now it's text/x-html-3 or something like
that; will there be an <HTML3> tag? My concern is whether there should be some
tag attached to a file that's visible to a user (like a clear .html3
extension). Of course, this line of reasoning would lead to .html3d documents
too, and that might tread on the balliwick of the VRML folks :-)

! ! RFC#2:
! ! Add a URL: prefix to the http: or whatever, and stick it in
! ! the URIPboardType payload.
! ! If you have a TITLE or a bookmark, stow that payload in the
! ! URITitlePboardType.
! ! We have also declared a .uri file, which has a filename
! ! corresponding to URITitle, and contents == URI. So, when you see
! ! a .uri file, open it, skip 4 characters, and feed it into a new browser.
! !

! ! URIPboardType = "WebStep Universal Resource Identifier 1.0"
! !


! [Can we have a] W3 prefix (W3URIPboardType)


Well, WebStep specifies the Ascii string, not the name of the variable holding

! URITitlePboardType = "WebStep URI Descriptive Title 1.0"

! This is useful but tricky.

! To use this as filename for .uri, what kind of characters can the

! title contain? Are spaces allowed?

This is why I had to recall .92 and release .93 :-)
The Title pasteboard type can have any old string; it's specifically bound to
the URI, rather than replacing NXAsciiPbType.

To use it as a filename, though, you have to filter out the /es; I use _s. It
also can't be longer than MAXPATHLEN, :-)

! If no <TITLE> is available (because for instance the destination has not
! been loaded), do you mean by "bookmark" the text of the anchor, ie
! all text between the <A> and </A>?

No, I'd say Suggested Practice is to use the string *the user sees*. For a
title, use the "rendered Ascii", and only a few words at that. If there's an A
NAME=, use the NAME.

!Should we also pass the image on a pasteboard?

No, that would be a function of RFC#3, pasting HTML (with rendered RTFD).

! RFC#3
! Same as for file extension. I am not sure why we would need a special pboard
! type for HTML 3.0

Any suggestions? I thought it was going to be important to distinguish between
HTML and HTML3 down the line. This seemed like a nice standardization move for
later generations of HTML3-specific tools.
