Re: Publishing and the Web
Tue, 7 Feb 95 18:16:57 -0500

Jim Hamerly writes:

>Folks -- Could we please keep to the charter of this group, namely

>discussing of technical issues related to creating interoperable

>HTML and Web development tools for NEXTSTEP and OpenStep?

Jim's point is well taken, and having re-read the WebStep group charter, I apologize for
having gone off at length on a non-technical issue. Still, the topic "who cares that we're
going to all this effort" is of interest to the WebStep group (otherwise, why are _we_
bothering?). I would guess that NextPub subscribers are among the most interested
potential users, because they are the people who will use our tools. Finally, my most
important point--that ISVs on other platforms are moving quickly, sometimes to dramatic
effect--lends further urgency to Rohit's original purpose of reaching technical decisions
without delay.

If anyone from either mailing list cares to respond to my message, or has more to add to
the original topic, please limit your cc: to the NextPub group only. A broader, user-based
discussion really is not appropriate on WebStep.
