URL on WebTV from TidBits

Prabhakar Ernest (Prabhakar.Ernest@exchange.BCG.com)
Tue, 11 Mar 1997 16:51:00 -0500

Jakob is a sharp guy, so I'd like to see his opinion on WebTV.
Unfortunately, his server was full when I checked, so you may see it
before I


WebTV Alertbox --
After Mark Anbinder's article about the WebTV in TidBITS-367, Keith
wrote to suggest that we check out an article about the WebTV.

Written by Jakob Nielsen (a SunSoft Distinguished Engineer) for
his Alertbox column, the article looks in detail at the usability
factors of
the WebTV, and it's definitely worth reading if you're
considering one. I also encourage you to take a look at Jakob's other
Alertbox columns - I was especially intrigued by his
01-Mar-97 column about the need for speed on the Web, which comes to the
conclusion that speed (meaning minimal graphics
and multimedia effects) must be the overriding design criterion for Web
pages, something we've long said here at TidBITS.
