RE: subscribe fork-l

CobraBoy (
Mon, 27 Jan 1997 07:49:17 -0800

At 4:07 AM -0800 1/27/97, Joe Barrera wrote:

>>[...] The people who work at Microsoft are smart.
>Oh, like Bill Gates who said recently that cryptosystems' security
>relies on "the difficulty of factoring large prime numbers". ROTFL.
>Do you really, in good faith and complete honesty, really believe that Bill
>doesn't know that prime number's cannot be factored?
>Don't you think it's a lot more likely that he made a verbal typo?
>I've dealt with him enough times to know that he's no dumber than I am.
>(And I'm no dummy.) He really does know his grade-school math.
>- Joe
>Joseph S. Barrera III (
>Phone, Redmond: (206) 936-3837; San Francisco: (415) 778-8227
>Pager (100 char max.): or (800) 864-8444
>Attachment converted: BeBop:RE~subscribe~fork-l.html (????/----) (00002E25)

Then please fix your piece of shit Ms mialer so I dont' get attachments
sent to me. I can hardly wait for the mail.dat attachment that is sure to
arrive any time now.



The people in Hell want icewater too. Wayne Baisley

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