Re: I want some toys, Santa Rohit...

Rohit Khare (
Tue, 9 Apr 96 12:32:18 -0400 (I Find Karma) wrote on 09:18:20 Tue, 9 Apr 96:

> Toy 1 encourages couch-potato-computing; toy 2 is just plain fun (tm).
> TOY #1
> Gateway 2000 "Destination"

Adam, you CONTINUE to violate FoRK policy on old bits. Even worse, this is a
citation from *FoRK itself*!

> Sat, 10 Feb 96 19:12:02 -0500
> Hate to be so crass about it, but given this cow farmer's
> main customer demographics, it's all the better for
> remote-control life-size porn surfing than anything
> involving the annual report and the board of directors...
> Rohit Khare
> PS. It's such a Tim Allen gadget-oriented product too...
> quite the specs.

You are responsible for two new bits in the next 48 hours. "Personal Music
Synthesizers" don't count.

Rohit Khare