Re: Loolapaloza online?

Rohit Khare (
Mon, 8 Apr 96 17:09:57 -0400

Brian Behlendorf wrote on 14:03:00 Mon, 8 Apr 1996:

> On the far other side of the coin, I am weighing the benefits and drawbacks
> of sending "You really, really need to upgrade!" messages to people using,
> say, Netscape 0.9, Lynx 1.X, MacMosaicB6, CERN-LineMode/2.15, etc.

I have to admit, it's a mighty good idea.

And after thinking about it:

> "You must be using Netscape 3.0 with the Shockwave,
> RealAudio, Xing, and MS Powerpoint plug-ins installed.
> Yes, both of you."

... this combo of unstable 'warez is what "WILL CRASH YOUR MACHINE!!!"

Rohit Khare

PS. I belive the real trickery is MS ActivePowerPoint, which will play ppt
files in the main browser....