computers feel your pain

Mark Kuharich (
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 09:13:11 -0700

While the practical applications for such intuitive machines might not
seem readily apparent - apart from lowering blood pressure of computer
users - researchers and academics speaking here Wednesday explained the
ramifications of emotionally responsive computers during a day-long
symposium sponsored by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Media Lab.

Machines with "affective computing," or emotional intelligence,
capabilities will be built within the next five to 10 years, researchers
said. The key to successfully integrating affective computing into daily
life is to allow users to maintain control over their computers rather
than vice versa, said Rosalind Picard, an associate professor at the
Media Lab.

"I think affective computing will succeed best when it's subtle," Picard

Mark Kuharich

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