DAV for the Mac... Goliath and Sharemation

Jim Whitehead (ejw@ics.uci.edu)
Wed, 29 Sep 1999 16:05:15 -0700

Hi Ernie, Tim, and other Mac FoRKs,

Thought you might be interested to know that there is now some initial
WebDAV client support for the Mac. Tom Bednarz, a software developer in
Freetown, Mass. has developed "Goliath", a Finder-like interface for a
WebDAV repository. Information, a screen shot, and a downloadable binary is
available at:


It's part of a package of Mac resources, available at:


"But wait, I don't have a WebDAV server," you say. Well, you can go and sign
up for a free 20Meg WebDAV account at Sharemation
<http://www.sharemation.com/>, and then point Goliath at this new account.
The entire process of (1) download, (2) install, (3) get new Sharemation
account, should take under 10 minutes.

- Jim