Re: Microsoft perceived as bastards, Intel are saints

Charles Kerr (
Wed, 10 Dec 1997 13:29:29 -0600

I found this in NCWorld's "Wintel is Dead?" article and thought
of the "Intel is considered to be a good guy, but you -- and
with all due respect -- are considered to be bastards." thread
about Intel/Microsoft.

The article talks about how the author believes Microsoft and
Intel are diverging with the arrival of thin clients.

Witness Intel's recent announcement of the lean client
initiative. From an NC World perspective, it is tempting to
say that the most significant thing about this
announcement is that Intel is validating the thin client and
the network computer. In reality, the most significant thing
about this announcement is the fact that Intel is doing so
by partnering with Microsoft for Windows CE, IBM for OS/2
WorkSpace On-Demand, Citrix for WinFrame, Novell with
NetWare, NCI for its NC Server Suite and NC Desktop,
SCO for its Tarantella and the SCO Network Client OS

Regardless of what happens with the lean client, the
announcement is likely to say everything you need to know
about why there should be a big difference between the
potential fates of Microsoft and Intel. Microsoft has
conducted itself with such moral bankruptcy that, when it
looks for partners, the only ones it finds that are willing are
ignorant, blind with greed, or feel they have no choice (not
that there is a complete lack of companies that qualify).

Intel has had its morally bankrupt moments. But for the
most part, it has grown less by behaving in an
anti-competitive manner than by exploiting Microsoft's
anti-competitive behavior. More than anything, Intel has
been intelligent, persistent, and strong-willed, if sometimes
arrogant. And unlike Microsoft, Intel's potential partners for
this emerging market aren't the ones who would be
threatened by its desire to expand into different markets.

Microsoft must rely on the ability to continue its
anti-competitive behavior unchecked in order to succeed.
Intel couldn't win in this new market by anti-competitive
behavior even if it tried. Intel has no leverage to force its
processors on anyone. So when it found itself in a position
to be everyone's friend, it was smart enough to develop
that strategy, as is clear from its recently announced lean
client partnerships.

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