Laundry List from the Teahouse.

Adam Rifkin (
Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:14:18 -0800

(Y'all can ignore this, I just wanted it archived.)

A. Future of HTTP.
1. Political.
2. Requirements Analysis for IETF.
3. Compare HTTP2 with HTTPng.
4. Survey of all issues affecting Web plumbing.
5. HTTP object model, and how to extend it.
6. Framework design for HTTP -
class hierarchy for information architecture.
7. Workshop.

B. WWW7.
1. CAWS and Effects.
2. HTTP object model, and how to flex it.
3. JEPI.
4. PEP.
5. Future of HTTP mission statement.
6. Evolution of Web documents.
7. Trust section 6.
8. XTP as a post facto rationalization of the
HTTP object model, replete with design influences
of HTTP.

C. Contacts.
1. K-man.
2. Merry.
3. Beep beep.
4. W3J.
5. Eve's DE.


Test your might.
-- Mortal Kombat