Re: [TRAVELMAN] Oslo, Digicam, and India (?)

Ingrid Melve (
Tue, 22 Jun 1999 13:12:27 +0200

** Rohit Khare wrote: **
> So, I'll be in Oslo July 11-23rd. I don't really have a plan for what
> to do after IETF, so this is going to be an adventure.

Suggestions for exploration
- Hurtigruten
coastal steamer, takes you above the arctic circle
- Norway in a Nutshell
spectacular fjords (the Oslo fjord is kind of dull)
and you could visit my grandmother at Voss :)
- take an air plane up north, Tromsų is nice
- go find a glacier or a montain

Whatever you do, you will be freezing (unless the weather turns
unexpectedly nice, which could happen). Bring mittens. If nothing
else, FoRK with mittens should be entertaining.

Norway is big on nature. And sun in summer. Prepare for real
confusion, as the sun refuses to go to bed, and your body clock screams
for sleep.

> I'll get to see Hakon and Ingrid and the usual gang of cronies --
> hey, it'll be our first European FoRKcon! Anyone got suggestions for
> Wednesday the 14th (or 15th?).

What is wrong with whale meat?
(intelligent food for intelligent people, to quote a friend)
...except the taste of cod liver oil, that is to say.

> Perhaps we can find a nouvelle Swedish
> place like we did in Minneapolis, purely for the entertainment of our
> dour Norse hosts :-)

As the resident native I would like to point out that anything Swedish
is an insult, and steps will be taken if you even think about it.
Steps may well involve studded boots. We do have traditions to
maintain (and Swedes to bash)

More irrelevant facts on Norway at


PS: Oslo is not cold, my mother-in-law claims. 16.4 centigrades
average in July. Bring your mittens anyway.