Re: Play against Kasparov

Dave Long (
Tue, 15 Jun 1999 21:57:00 -0700

"democracy is the worst form of government...*" - Churchill

> >Everybody knows groupthink is less decisive, less intelligent ...
> ... We'll get absolutely creamed by him, but maybe our screen savers
> would do a good enough job if we had some decent iron thrown in to the mix.

The Onion article:
reports that:
> In a historic decision with major implications for the future of U.S.
> participatory democracy, the Supreme Court ruled 8-1 Monday that the
> American people are unfit to govern.

It continues to note that the populations of Switzerland, Sweden, and Canada
are being considered as possible alternatives to run the US.

Obviously Mr. Reagle is on a better track; we should put our screen savers in
charge of the country. They'd probably do a good enough job if we had some
decent iron thrown in to the mix. Having already had an actor as president,
we may as well take the next step and try an awfully pneumatic video game


* "...except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time"