Re: anarchists and JFK Jr.

Jeff Bone (
Sat, 24 Jul 1999 00:38:26 -0500

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While we're (sort of) on the topic, has anyone out there read T.A.Z. the
Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism by
Hakim Bey? [1] Oh, it's online, too [2] --- a friend and former employee
of mine, James Mike Morrison --- yes, Jim Morrison, but he goes by Mike
and can't sing a lick AFAIK --- hypertexted ;-) it and put it up way
back in the dark ages of the Web. Great stuff. It's published by this
great little press called "Autonomedia." Also check out "Essays" by
Hakim Bey. [3] Fun stuff... any interest in collectively tossing out
an anarchist's bibliography? (First person to put "The Anarchist's
Cookbook" on it wins the exploding brownies. ;-)

Here's a fun bit from T.A.Z., from "Appendix A. Chaos Linguistics:"

Of all the responses to Saussure's linguistics, two have
interest here: the first, "antilinguistics," can be traced--in
the modern
period--from Rimbaud's departure for Abyssinia; to Nietzsche's
"I fear
that while we still have grammar we have not yet killed God";
dada; to Korzybski's "the Map is not the Territory"; to
cut-ups and "breakthrough in the Gray Room"; to Zerzan's
attack on
language itself as representation and mediation.

If that doesn't send you chasing your own bibliographic tail, I don't
know what will. What's that, y'all don't have tails? Damn shame,
they're fun. ;-)

IMO, FoRK is kind of a T.A.Z.



[1] T.A.Z. the Temporary Autonomous Zone... by Hakim Bey
[2] T.A.Z. the Temporary Autonomous Zone... (online)
[3] Essays, by Hakim Bey

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While we're (sort of) on the topic, has anyone out there read T.A.Z. the Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism by Hakim Bey? [1] Oh, it's online, too [2] --- a friend and former employee of mine, James Mike Morrison --- yes, Jim Morrison, but he goes by Mike and can't sing a lick AFAIK --- hypertexted ;-) it and put it up way back in the dark ages of the Web.  Great stuff.  It's published by this great little press called "Autonomedia."  Also check out "Essays" by Hakim Bey.  [3]  Fun stuff...  any interest in collectively tossing out an anarchist's bibliography?  (First person to put "The Anarchist's Cookbook" on it wins the exploding brownies. ;-)

Here's a fun bit from T.A.Z., from "Appendix A. Chaos Linguistics:"

Of all the responses to Saussure's linguistics, two have special
interest here: the first, "antilinguistics," can be traced--in the modern
period--from Rimbaud's departure for Abyssinia; to Nietzsche's "I fear
that while we still have grammar we have not yet killed God"; to
dada; to Korzybski's "the Map is not the Territory"; to Burroughs'
cut-ups and "breakthrough in the Gray Room"; to Zerzan's attack on
language itself as representation and mediation.

If that doesn't send you chasing your own bibliographic tail, I don't know what will.  What's that, y'all don't have tails?  Damn shame, they're fun.  ;-)

IMO, FoRK is kind of a T.A.Z.



[1]  T.A.Z. the Temporary Autonomous Zone...  by Hakim Bey
[2]  T.A.Z. the Temporary Autonomous Zone...  (online)
[3]  Essays, by Hakim Bey --------------53D7EDFBD905348804ADCB62--