
Gregory Alan Bolcer (gbolcer@gambetta.ICS.uci.edu)
Tue, 04 Aug 1998 15:32:51 -0700

I think we should take our collective Amazon accounts
and register every single 'J' word in webster's dictionary.
Eventually Sun Microsystems will try and patent or trademark
every single one. Apsen Smallworks is the registered
name of the Jini.com address; I think jailbait.com is
already registered.


Script started on Tue Aug 04 15:31:22 1998
[gambetta : media]==> webster
Word: j*
Possible matches are:
1. j 2. j particle 3. jab
4. jabber 5. jabberwocky 6. jabiru
7. jaborandi 8. jabot 9. jacal
10. jacamar 11. jacana 12. jacaranda
13. jacinth 14. jack 15. jack bean
16. jack frost 17. jack mackerel 18. jack pine
19. jack rabbit 20. jack-in-the-box 21. jack-in-the-pulpit
22. jack-o'-lantern 23. jack-of-all-trades 24. jack-tar
25. jackal 26. jackanapes 27. jackass
28. jackass rig 29. jackboot 30. jackbooted
31. jackdaw 32. jacket 33. jackfruit
34. jackhammer 35. jackknife 36. jacklight
37. jackplane 38. jackpot 39. jackscrew
40. jackshaft 41. jacksnipe 42. jacksonian
43. jackstay 44. jackstraw 45. jacob
46. jacob's ladder 47. jacobean 48. jacobin
49. jacobite 50. jaconet 51. jacquard
52. jacquerie 53. jactitation 54. jacuzzi
55. jade 56. jaded 57. jadeite
58. jaeger 59. jag 60. jagged
61. jaggery 62. jaggy 63. jaguar
64. jaguarondi 65. jahveh 66. jai alai
67. jail 68. jail delivery 69. jailbait
70. jailbird 71. jailbreak 72. jailer
73. jain 74. jainism 75. jakes
76. jalap 77. jalopy 78. jalousie
79. jam 80. jam session 81. jamb
82. jambalaya 83. jambeau 84. jamboree
85. james 86. jamesian 87. jangle
88. janissary 89. janitor 90. janizary
91. jansenism 92. january 93. janus
94. janus-faced 95. jap 96. japan
97. japan clover 98. japan current 99. japan wax
100. japanese 101. japanese andromeda 102. japanese beetle
103. japanese cedar 104. japanese iris 105. japanese ivy
106. japanese leaf 107. japanese maple 108. japanese quince
109. japanese river fever 110. japanese spurge 111. jape
112. japheth 113. japlish 114. japonica
115. jar 116. jardiniere 117. jargon
118. jargonize 119. jargoon 120. jarl
121. jasmine 122. jason 123. jasper
124. jasper ware 125. jat 126. jato
127. jaundice 128. jaundiced 129. jaunt
130. jaunting car 131. jaunty 132. java
133. java man 134. java sparrow 135. javanese
136. javelin 137. javelle water 138. jaw
139. jawbone 140. jawbreaker 141. jaws of life.
142. jay 143. jaybird 144. jaycee
145. jayhawker 146. jayvee 147. jaywalk
148. jazz 149. jazzman 150. jazzy
151. jealous 152. jealousy 153. jean
154. jeep 155. jeer 156. jeffersonian
157. jehovah 158. jehovah's witnesses 159. jejune
160. jejunum 161. jekyll and hyde 162. jell
163. jell-o 164. jelly 165. jellybean
166. jellyfish 167. jellyroll 168. jenesaisquoi
169. jennet 170. jenny 171. jeopardize
172. jeopardy 173. jephthah 174. jequirity bean
175. jerboa 176. jeremiad 177. jeremiah
178. jerk 179. jerkin 180. jerkwater
181. jerky 182. jeroboam 183. jerry
184. jerrybuild 185. jersey 186. jerusalem artichoke
187. jerusalem cherry 188. jerusalem cross 189. jerusalem oak
190. jerusalem thorn 191. jess 192. jessamine
193. jest 194. jester 195. jesuit
196. jesus 197. jesus freak 198. jet
199. jet boat 200. jet engine 201. jet lag
202. jet propulsion 203. jet set 204. jet stream
205. jet-propelled 206. jetavator 207. jete
208. jetliner 209. jetport 210. jetsam
211. jettison 212. jetty 213. jetway
214. jeunesse doree 215. jew 216. jew's-harp
217. jewel 218. jeweler 219. jewelfish
220. jewelry 221. jewelweed 222. jewess
223. jewfish 224. jewish 225. jewish calendar
226. jewry 227. jezebel 228. jhvh
229. jib 230. jib boom 231. jibe
232. jiffy 233. jig 234. jigger
235. jigger mast 236. jiggle 237. jigsaw
238. jigsaw puzzle 239. jihad 240. jill
241. jillion 242. jilt 243. jim crow
244. jim-crow 245. jim-dandy 246. jim-jams
247. jimmies 248. jimmy 249. jimsonweed
250. jingle 251. jingle shell 252. jingo
253. jingoism 254. jink 255. jinni
256. jinriksha

[gambetta : media]==> exit

script done on Tue Aug 04 15:31:31 1998