Book recommendation: Rising Phoenix, Kyle Mills.

I Find Karma (
Tue, 26 Aug 1997 16:10:35 -0700 (PDT)

I think this book just hit the stores.

This is a fiction recommendation for _Rising Phoenix_ by Kyle Mills.
The plot is simple: a preacher convinces a renegade to break into the
drug cartels and poison the nation's cocaine and heroin supplies so that
drug users will die. Word gets out about the tainted cocaine and
heroin, but rather than stop using drugs, thousands and thousands of
druggies die. Public opinion for the tainted drugs is great: the people
of the novel WANT the druggies to take the tainted drugs and die.

The main character, the head of the FBI unit, wants to catch the
renegade and stop the deaths of thousands of more druggies... or does

Tom Clancy recommends the book, but that shouldn't stop you.

Review from Amazon:

Kyle Mills crafts a quick-step story with credible characters, plenty of
action and a satisfactory denouement. Unlike many first novels, Rising
Phoenix doesn't seek to show off the author's vocabulary at the expense
of the story. Starting with a surprising solution to the drug problem
in the United States, Mills delineates a villain worth pursuing and a
somewhat disheveled and unorthodox Special Agent leading the chase. The
White House, the Bureau, TV evangelists and drug dealers bring a variety
of motives to this escalating tale of greed, politics, righteous anger
and investigative professionalism. Mills dishes up a potent story,
carried by characters that enrich and enliven the plot. The author
catches the feel of the Bureau although you may not much like some of
the fictional personnel at Headquarters. Mills kept an observant eye on
his surroundings when he visited his dad's office over the years. Dad is
Darrell Mills (1967-93), Tidewater Chapter member of the Society of
Former Special Agents of the FBI.


I've been feeling like everything I say and do is passing through some
sort of filter lately which makes it difficult or impossible for the
rest of the world to understand me. Likewise everything coming in is
passing through that filter as well, so I'm spending more time trying to
figure out what the fuck is going on lately......
-- John Dobbin